Addresses for correspondence:
11 Kutaisi st,
4100 Senaki
+995 (99) 985433, +44 751 6906500

1993: PhD. Dissertation title: "Experimental use of perfluorochemical gas-carrying blood substitute during acute brain ischemia": # 25 here
1991 - 1993: Training for Laborant Doctors, Neurological Department, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Tbilisi, Georgia
1988 - 1991: Postgraduate Doctoral Study (Doctoral fellowship), Tbilisi State Medical University, and Beritashvili Institute of Physiology
1979 - 1985: MD, Tbilisi State Medical University
Career and professional experience:
2024 - Consultant Pediatric Neurologist, Health and Development Center, Senaki, Georgia (part-time contract, hybrid).
2023 - Associate Medical Advisor, Pharmacovigilance Dept., GDA, Tbilisi, Georgia (short-term fixed 10-months contract, home-based).
2022 - Drug Safety Physician, Medical Reviewer, ProPharmaGroup, London, UK (short-term fixed 10-months contract).
2021 - Associate Medical Director, PRA Health Sciences, Richmond, UK (short-term fixed 6-months contract).
2019 - Pharmacovigilance Physician, Kinapse, Farnborough, UK (short-term fixed 3-months contract).
2011 - 2019 - Global Patient Safety Physician, Eli Lilly, Windlesham, UK.
2010 - 2011 - Senior Drug Safety Associate, ICON, Eastleigh, UK.
2008 - 2010 - Clinical Safety Associate, Novartis Horsham Research Centre, Horsham, UK.
2004 - 2007 - Senior Medical Advisor, Georgian Drug Agency, Tbilisi, Georgia
1997 - 2004 - Pharmacovigilance Physician, National Drug Monitoring Center of Pharmacovigilance, Tbilisi, Georgia
1998 - 2007 - Lead Specialist and Medical Advisor, Neurological and Neurosomatic Department, "Rea" Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia.
1993 - 1998 - Research Scientist Doctor, Neurological Department, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Tbilisi, Georgia.
1991 - 1993 - Senior Laborant Doctor, Neurological Department, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Tbilisi, Georgia.
1988 - 1991 - Postgraduate Doctoral Study (Doctoral fellowship), Neurological Department, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia; and Department of Metabolic Maintenance of the Brain Functions, I. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia.
1986 - 1988 - Neurologist, Mendzhi Health-resort, Senaki district, Georgia.
1985 - 1986 - Internship in Neurology, Department of Neurological Diseases, Republican Central Clinical Hospital, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Seminars, internships, teaching courses, partnership program:
2005 - GCP for Investigators: Joint Seminar of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social maintenance, Georgia, Drug Agency of Georgia, and "CPR Evidence, Clinical Pharmacological Investigations" Ltd, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2005 - Asthma: natural history, risk factors and overall management. Postgraduate Course during the ERS 15th Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2004 - Defining clinical asthma phenotypes: implications for therapy. Postgraduate Course during the 14th ERS Congress, Glasgow, UK.
2004 - How to conduct a scientific survey on respiratory health. Postgraduate Course during the 14th ERS Congress, Glasgow, UK.
2004 - First Headache Teaching Course: Mechanisms, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment. Joint Teaching Course of International Headache Society, Russian Linguistic Subcommittee, Georgian Headache Association. Tbilisi, Georgia.
2003 - GCP for Investigators: Joint Seminar of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social maintenance, Georgia, Drug Agency of Georgia, and "CPR Evidence, Clinical Pharmacological Investigations" Ltd, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2002 - UNESCO National Seminar "Inclusion and Special Education Problems in Georgian EFA Program", Tbilisi, Georgia.
2001 - Drug Safety and clinical trials: Joint Seminar of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social maintenance, Georgia, Pharmacological Committee of Georgia, and "CPR Evidence, Clinical Pharmacological Investigations" Ltd, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2001 - Georgian/American Partnership for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Scranton, Scranton PA, USA.
1999 - Internship in Neurology. The American Austrian Foundation and Department of Neurology, C. Doppler Landesnervenklinik, Salzburg, Austria.
1997 - Pharmacovigilance in Georgia: Seminar of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social maintenance, Georgia, and Pharmacological Committee of Georgia, Tbilisi.
1996 - Salzburg Cornell Seminar in Neurology, Cornell University Medical College, Office of Continuing Medical Education. Salzburg, Austria.
1) EU, USA (application), WO 0066096, New Indication for Use of Antiepileptic Agents and Medicines. See here
2) Georgia, P 2487, New indication for 5-carbamoyl-5H-dibenz(b,f)azepine, its derivatives and analogues; P 2612, New Indication for Use of Antiepileptic Agents and Medicines.
Scientific societies and club memberships:
World Federation of Neurology
European Respiratory Society
European Federation of Neurological Societies
Council for Exceptional Children
Georgian Neurological Society
Georgian Society of Physiology
I.Vekua Club of Scientists
Silver Sponsorship from ERS for the attendance at the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark
Silver Sponsorship from ERS for the attendance at the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, 2005, Glasgow, UK
Award from the Soros Foundation for the participation in the Salzburg-Cornell Seminar in Neurology, Salzburg, Austria, 1996, and for the Internship, C. Doppler Landesnervenklinik, Salzburg, Austria, 1999.
Knowledge of languages: Fluent in Georgian, English, Russian
IELTS, Academic level: Overall Band Score: 7 Listening: 7, Reading: 7, Writing: 6, Speaking: 7.
Teaching experience:
1997-2007: Lections in Pharmacovigilance for physicians. Training of physicians in hospitals and out-patients stations (adverse events (AE) forms completion, etc)
1998-2007: Post-graduate courses for Resident Physicians, Fellow Physicians and Nurses, "Rea" Rehabilitation Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia (Pharmacotherapeutic aspects of neurorehabilitation)
1995-2007: Post-graduate courses for Resident Physicians, Fellow Physicians and Nurses, during the Georgian Diabetic Camp Summer sessions, Bakuriani, Georgia (Neurological complications of diabetes, type1)
1993 - 1998: Post-graduate courses for Resident Physicians, Fellow Physicians and Nurses, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Tbilisi, Georgia (Pharmacotherapeutic aspects of child neurology)
1988 - 1991 - Course of Neurology for Medical Students, Tbilisi State Medical Institute
Scientific supervisor of doctoral fellow:
1997 - 1999 - Manana Pruidze, Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Title of doctoral dissertation: "EEG-activity in adult patients with bronchial asthma" (1999)
Respiratory Medicine: See here
The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry: See here
Research experience:
Till 2007 I worked with Z. Chapichadze, MD, PhD (Drug Agency, Ministry of Health, Tbilisi, Georgia), M. Pruidze, MD, PhD (Centre of Chinese Medicine, Tbilisi, Georgia), and T. Tchelidze, MD (CRO "Evidence", Tbilisi, Georgia) and other members of Neuroasthma Group. Since 1994 we performed observational clinical studies and double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trials concerning use of antiasthmatic drugs for treatment of bronchial asthma. Our trials showed high antiasthmatic activity of antiepileptic drugs in adults and in children with asthma. We also investigated the frequency of EEG and neurological signs in patients with asthma, in collaboration with Prof. V. Maloletnev, MD, PhD (Department of Human Psychophysiology, Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Tbilisi, Georgia), and frequency of breath-holding spells in anamnesis of children with asthma. In experimental studies we investigated the influence of antiepileptic drugs on Herxheimer microshock and anaphylactic shock in Guinea pigs. We received silver sponsorship for presenting of our data in ERS Congresses from European Respiratory Society in 2004 and 2005.
I am Pharmacovigilance Senior Consultant in Georgian Drug Agency since 2004. In 1997-2004 I worked as Senior Specialist in National Drug Monitoring Center of Pharmacovigilance, Tbilisi, Georgia. You can find my experience in this field below.
In 1998 -1999 I worked in scientific cooperation with Prof. Sh. Bibileishvili, MD, PhD (Sarajishvili Institute of Experimental and Clinical Neurology, Tbilisi, Georgia), and searched epidemiology, clinical signs and outcome in patients with ischemic stroke and sleep apnea.
In 1995 -1997 in collaboration with Prof. N. Mitagvaria, PhD (Department of Metabolic Maintenance of the Brain Functions, Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Tbilisi, Georgia), I searched the surface tension of blood during cerebral ischemia and found that blood surface tension was increased in patients with ischemic stroke.
In 1994 - 1995 I worked in collaboration with K. Gambashidze, MD, PhD (Department of Pathophysiology, Tbilisi State Medical University), and researched rheological properties of blood, including surface tension of blood, in rats with Walker carcinoma and in mice with Erlich carcinoma. We also investigated the influence of non-ionogenic surfactants on blood rheology and on survivability of experimental animals.
In 1993 - 1998 I worked in Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics (Tbilisi, Georgia) and researched EEG-computer topography (brain-mapping) in children with tic hyperkinesia, Tourette syndrome and nocturnal enuresis. We also use antagonists of opiate analgetics for therapy of tics, Tourette syndrome and nocturnal enuresis, and performed observational studies in this direction. We found that naloxone can reduce freqiency and intensity of tics, and also can reduce the frequency of episodes of night enuresis. We also found that EEG disturbances in these children are frequent, but non-specific.
1988 - 1993: My PhD thesis was related to experimental use of fluorochemical "artificial blood" in therapy of experimental models of acute cerebral ishemia. Experimental studies were performed in collaboration with Prof. N. Mitagvaria, PhD (Department of Metabolic Maintenance of the Brain Functions, Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, Tbilisi, Georgia). We studied several models of ishemia in rabbits and rats and found that fluorochemical blood substitutes improved rheological properties of blood, microcirculation and brain supply with oxygen during brain ischemia.
Pharmacovigilance experience:
Risk assessment, risk management, risk minimization plans, medical input into PSURs and other periodic reports, ICRs and aggregate data review
Medical and scientific expertise for regulatory documents
Coordination of AE and SAE activities for assigned projects
Adhering to current regulations and FDA, EMEA and ICH guidelines relating to ADR monitoring
AE and ADR reporting plans for National Drug Monitoring Center of Pharmacovigilance and Georgian Drug Agency
Management of case-handling process, medical and scientific analysis and review of AE reports
AE forms in hospitals and out-patients stations: instructions for the completion (CIOMS Form, etc.)
Medical review of AE and SAE information received from research sites
Preparing and submitting of expedited safety reports to pharmaceutical companies, ethic committees and national regulatory authority
SUSAR and annual reporting review for clinical trials
Consulting of healthcare system authorities in pharmacovigilance
Training of physicians and nurses concerning adverse event reporting
Management of data entry into safety database, ARGUS, ARIS Global
Generation of queries to sites for follow-up information for Georgian Drug Agency
Presentations of AE reporting at hospital and pharmaceutical company meetings
Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for Georgian Drug Agency
Review of pharmacovigilance publications and information sources to keep updated on current regulations
Interwiews with applicants for pharmacovigilance physician positions
Clinical trials: PI experience: See here
Antiepileptic Drug Carbamazepine in Treatment of Bronchial Asthma (1999 - 2000)
Study of Efficacy of Sodium Valproate in Therapy of Bronchial Asthma (2000 - 2001)
Study of Efficacy of Oxcarbazepine in Therapy of Bronchial Asthma (2001 - 2002)
Study of Efficacy of Lamotrigine in Therapy of Bronchial Asthma (2002 - 2003)
Study of Efficacy of Gabapentin in Therapy of Bronchial Asthma (2003 - 2004)
Study of Efficacy of Carbamazepine in Therapy of Patients With Moderate Persistent and Severe Bronchial Asthma (2004 - 2005)
Study of Efficacy of Phenytoin in Therapy of Patients With Bronchial Asthma (2005)
Study of Efficacy of Phenytoin in Therapy of Children With Bronchial Asthma (2006 - 2007)
Experience in:
Patients recruitment
Patients consent
Detection and registration of AEs and SAEs
Reporting to sponsors and CRO detected AEs and SAEs
CRF review and approval
Communication with Ethics committee
Treatment of patients according to trial protocol
Respond to queries
Drug accountability
Technical skills:
Animal models of brain ishemia by clipping of magistral arteries
Photochemically induced brain ischemia in animals
Hemorrhagic shock in animals
Blood coagulation tests, including platelet aggregation
Small animal surgery
Polarographycal studies of cerebral blood flow and pO2 in animals
Intestinal preparation for microcirculation studies
Microelectrodes preparation and implantation
Intravital videomicroscopy
Viscosimetry of blood and biological liquids
Surface tension of blood and biological liquids
Models of anaphylactic shock in Guinea pigs
Herxheimer microshock in sensitized Guinea pigs
EEG-computer topography (brain-mapping)
Computer skills:
SPSS for Windows (statistical program), MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop
Web-design (created website:
Oral presentations at the international meetings:
15th Congress of European Respiratory Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005. See here and here
List of publications:
Children with Disabilities: Educational, Psychological and Medical Aspects of Social Integration (in Georgian, with co-authors). Tbilisi, 2002, 290p.
Articles in peer-review and international journals:
Lomia M. Bronchial asthma as neurogenic paroxysmal inflammatory disease: Do some antiepileptic drugs have antiasthmatic properties? Medical Hypotheses, 2007, vol. 69, no.4, pp. 858-859. See here
Lomia M, T. Tchelidze T, Pruidze M. Bronchial asthma as neurogenic paroxysmal inflammatory disease: a randomized trial with carbamazepine. Respir Med, 2006, vol. 100, no.11, pp. 1988-1996. See here
Lomia M, Chapichadze Z, Pruidze M, Platonov P. Efficacy of monotherapy with carbamazepine and valproic acid in patients with bronchial asthma: Is asthma a neurological disease? The Internet Journal of Neurology. 2005. vol. 4, no 1. See here
Articles in Georgian and Russian journals:
Chapichadze Z, Chelidze T, Lomia M. affective respiratory paroxysms in the anamnesis of children with bronchial asthma (Eng. abstr.)[ in Russian]. Allergology and Immunology, vol. 7, 5, 2006, pp. 610-611.
Lomia M. Effects of antiepileptic drugs on anaphylactic shock and on Herxheimer microshock in Guinea pigs. Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci, 2006, vol.173, ?3, pp. 605-607. See here
Lomia M, Ratiani R, Chelidze T. Severe persistent bronchial asthma: high efficacy of carbamazepine. Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci, 172, ?2, 2005. See here
Lomia M. Bronchial asthma as neurogenic paroxysmal disease: high antiasthmatic efficacy of carbamazepine in double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci, 169, 2, 2004. See here
Lomia M. EEG and neurological symptoms, learning disability and AD/HD in children with bronchial asthma. Journal of Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. 2002, no.1 (1), pp. 37-40.
Lomia M, Pruidze M. Correlation of EEG and clinical signs in patients with bronchial asthma. Messenger Georg. Acad. Sci (Biol), 2000, 26 (4-6): 411-415.
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Kharatishvili I. Frequency of neurological symptoms and pathological reflexes in bronchial asthma and their correlation with severity of disease. Georgian Medical News, 1997, no.11 (32), pp.27-29.
Pruidze M, Lomia M, Kharatishvili I. Neurological symptoms in adults with bronchial asthma. Sakartvelos Sameditsino Moambe [Georgian Medical Messenger], 1997, no. 4, pp.23-26.
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Kharatishvili I. Neurological and EEG-computer topographic studies in adults with bronchial asthma. Georgian Medical News, 1997, no.10 (31), pp.29-31.
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Kharatishvili I. Neurological symptoms and reflexes in children with bronchial asthmatic attacks. Georgian Medical News, 1997, no. 6 (27), pp.34-35.
Lomia M, Daraselia M. The frequency of pediatric neurological pathology in Republic of Georgia (Eng. Abstr.) Sakartvelos Sameditsino moambe [Georgian Medical Messenger], 1996, no.3-4, pp. 67-70.
Lomia M, Mamisashvili V, Mchedlishvili N, Kumsishvili T. Influence of "artificial blood" on brain tissue metabolic supply and basic microcirculatory mechanisms (Eng. abstr.). Sakartvelos Pediatri [Pediatrist of Georgia], 1992, no.2, pp. 10-15.
Samushia O.S, Lomia M.B. Modern aspects of therapy of brain ischemia (Eng. abstr.). Proc. of 21st Scientific Conference of Young Physicians. Telavi, 1991, pp.96-97.
Lomia M B. Use of gas-carrying fluorocarbon "artificial blood" during cerebral ischemia and other vascular diseases (Eng. abstr.). Proc. of 21st Scientific Conference of Young Physicians. Telavi, 1991, pp.96-97.
Lomia M.B. The influence of fluorocarbon gas-carrying "artificial blood" on brain tissue pO2 in normal conditions and during ischemia. (Eng. abstr.). Bull. Georg. Acad. Sci, 1991, vol. 141, no.2, pp.413-416.
Lomia M B. Use of fluorochemical "artificial blood" for the treatment of brain ischemia (Eng. abstr.). Proc. of 20th Republican Scientific Conference of Young Physicians. Bakuriani, Tbilisi, 1991, pp.96-97.
Abstracts of international conferences:
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Chapichadze Z, T. Tchelidze T. Bronchial asthma as neurogenic inflammatory and paroxysmal disease : efficacy of antiepileptic drug diphenine in asthma therapy. Eur Respir J 2006; 28: Suppl. 50, 316s. See here
Lomia M, Tchelidze T, Pruidze M. Efficacy of antiepileptic drugs diphenine and carbamazepine in pharmacotherapy of children with bronchial asthma: is asthma a neurogenic inflammatory disease? Eur Respir J 2006; 28: Suppl. 50, 204s. See here
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Chapichadze Z. Bronchial asthma as neurogenic paroxysmal inflammatory disease - high efficacy of antiepileptic drug oxcarbazepine in asthma monotherapy. Eur Respir J 2005; 26: Suppl. 49, 466s. See here
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Chapichadze Z. Bronchial asthma as neurogenic paroxysmal disease - high effectiveness of carbamazepine in asthma monotherapy. Eur. Respir. J, 2004, vol. 24, suppl. 48, 221s. See here
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Chapichadze Z. Efficacy of monotherapy with anticonvulsive drugs topiramate and carbamazepine in bronchial asthma: is asthma a neurological disease? Eur. Respir. J, 2004, vol. 24, suppl. 48, 130. See here
Bibileishvili E, Lomia M, Bibileishvili Sh. Sleep apnea and ischemic stroke. Abstracts of the 10th European Stroke Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, May 16-19, 2001. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2001;11 Suppl 4: 93. See here
Bibileishvili E, Lomia M, Bibileishvili Sh. Sleep apnea a riskfactor in the development of ischemic stroke. 11th meeting of the European Neurological Society. 21-25 April, 2001, Paris, France. Abstracts. J Neurol. 2001, 248. Suppl 2: 126. See here
Shota Bibileishvili, Merab Lomia, Shota Bibileishvili. Desynchronosis of hemocoagulation an the localization of the pathological focus in patients with ischemic stroke. Abstracts From the 6th International Symposium on ASTT. Stroke 2000;31;2890. See here
Eteri Bibileishvili, Merab Lomia, Eteri Bibileishvili. Relationship between a biorhythm hemostasis chance and the character of vascular pathology in case of ischemic stroke. Abstracts From the 4th World Stroke Congress. Stroke 2000;31;2801. See here
Lomia M, Pruidze M, Kharatishvili I. EEG-Computer Topography in adult patients with bronchial asthma. In: Materials of Black Sea Countries 2nd International Conference "Advances of Clinical and Theoretical Medicine and Biology".Trabzon, Turkey, 2000.
Lomia M, Kharatishvili I. Effectiveness of naloxone in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children. European Journal of Neurology 1999, vol.6, suppl.3, p. 44.
Lomia M, Daraselia M. Metoclopramide and naloxone in treatment of tics. Movement Disorders, 1998, vol.13, suppl. 2, p. S110.
Kharatishvili I, Lomia M, Pruidze M. Frequency of neurological signs in adults with bronchial asthma. Abstracts of "Interasma-97", Annual Meeting Western Europe Chapter, Las Palmas, Canary Island, Spain, December 3-5, 1997. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 1997, no.5, p.543
Lomia M, Kharatishvili I, Pruidze M. Lack of correlation between frequency of neurological symptoms and severity of bronchial asthma. Abstracts of "Interasma -97", Annual Meeting Western Europe Chapter, Las Palmas, Canary Island, Spain, December 3-5, 1997. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 1997, no.5, p.543
Lomia M. Increase of blood surface tension during acute ischemic stroke. Proceedings of EFNS Prague Meeting, June 4-8, 1997. European Journal of Neurology, 1997, vol 4, suppl 1, p. S102.
Lomia M. Effectiveness of metoclopramide in treatment of tic hyperkinesia in children. Proceedings of EFNS Prague Meeting, June 4-8, 1997. European Journal of Neurology, 1997, vol 4, suppl 1, p. S101-S102.
Lomia M, Mitagvaria N. Experimental use of perfluorochemical gas-carrying blood substitute during brain ischemia. Proceedings of EFNS Prague Meeting, June 4-8, 1997. European Journal of Neurology, 1997, vol 4, suppl 1, p.S101.
Lomia M, Kharatishvili I. EEG computer topography in children with tic hyperkinesia. In: The 4th International Conference of Baltic Child Neurology Association (BCNA), Tartu, Estonia, May 25-28, 1997: programme and abstracts. Tartu, 1997. p 59.
Lomia M.B. Effectiveness of opioid antagonists in the treatment of tic hyperkinesia and nocturnal enuresis in children. Journal of Neurology, 1995, vol.242, no.6, suppl.2, p. S61. See here
Abstracts of Georgian conferences:
Lomia M. Some features and problems of adequate neurological assistance for contingent of disable children. In: Inclusive and Special Education Problems in National Program of EFA of Georgia. Materials of National Seminar, 25-29 November, Tbilisi 2002, pp. 46-49. UNESCO, Tbilisi, 2003.
Pruidze M, Lomia M, Manjgaladze N. Disturbances of brain bioelectric activity in patients with bronchial asthma and their correlation with other asthmatic clinical symptoms. In: Actual problems of medicine. Materials of Conference, dedicated to memory of Simeon Kipshidze. Tbilisi 1997, pp. 35-38
Lomia.M, Manjhgaladze N, Pruidze M. Neurological investigations in children with bronchial asthma. In: Actual problems of medicine. Materials of Conference, dedicated to memory of Simeon Kipshidze. Tbilisi, 1997, pp. 25-27
Lomia M. Experimental use of oxygen-carrying fluorocarbon blood substitute during brain ischemia, provoked by head trauma. In: Actual problems of military medicine. Materials of scientific conference. Tbilisi, 1995, pp.114.
Lomia M.B. Influence of non-ionogenic surfactant "Proxanol P-268" on CBF and arterial pressure in normal rats and in animals with acute brain ischemia.In: Actual problems of military medicine. Materials of scientific conference. Tbilisi, 1995, pp.25-27.
Gambashidze K, Lomia M, Khutsishvili G, Tsibadze A. Change of mechanical resistance of red blood cells in rats during implanted Walker carcinoma after treatment by non-ionogenic surfactant "Proxanol P-268" and alpha-tocoferol. In: Materials of Georgian Physiologists Conference, dedicated to 60th anniversary of Georgian Physiological Society Foundation. Tbilisi, 1995, p.178.
Lomia M, Gambashidze K. Surface tension of blood and red blood cells' deformability in mice during growth of implanted Erlich carcinoma. In: Materials of Georgian Physiologists Conference, dedicated to 60th anniversary of Georgian Physiological Society Foundation. Tbilisi, 1995, p.93.
Lomia M.B. Use of oxygen-carrying "artificial blood" during brain ischemia (review). Sakartvelos Sameditsino Moambe [Georgian Medical Messenger], 1991, no.5-6, pp.32-35.
Lomia M.B. The influence of pyrogeniety of gas-carrying perfluorochemical blood substitute on oxygen supply of brain tissue (Eng. abstr.). In: Actual problems of pediatrics. Issue of articles, dedicated to 30th Anniversary of Georgian Pediatric Institutes Foundation. Tbilisi, 1991, pp.254-259.
Lomia M.B. Copper concentration in blood during infantile cerebral paralysis. In: Proc. of 47th Conf. of Tbilisi State Medical Institute I.Takaishvili Medical Society. Tbilisi, 1984, pp.97-98.
Non-medical activity:
Management of intellectual games for children in diabetic camp:
1995 -2007: Georgian Diabetic Camp, Summer sessions, Bakuriani, Georgia
Writer of Russian fictions' book: Sijanie (The Shining), Tbilisi, 2005, Scientists' Club Publisher, 132p.
Fictions from the book are also published on these websites:
Samizdat Journal,,